In our 50th year Conquer MG’s Board, staff, and volunteers raised awareness, supported, educated, networked, fundraised, researched, and so much more.

110 MG patients and supporters…

joined us on June 19 when the 10th Annual Viking Challenge for MG returned as an in-person awareness and fundraising event. Read more   




Kelly, Kathy, Victor, Joyce, Linda, and SeAndrea…

led virtual and in-person support groups throughout the year. Bob and Dr. Randall led a virtual group for men. 






Joan worked with other MG advocacy groups…

to support the MG Burden of Cost study conducted by the Muscular Dystrophy Association, and sponsored by argenx.






Bob was busy… 

as Board Chair. He presented Mary Kay (shown here with husband Bill) with the Tracy Shackleford MG Service Award and helped us navigate the post-COVID world. He and the rest of the Board – Tammy, the other Bob, Julie, Maria, and Jim – are helping to define our future. 





Victor compiled our history…

after spending hours with old photos and board minutes. And Stacey put it into a timeline – from our start in 1972 up till now. Click to see the whole timeline. 








Dr. Paul taught us…

about new therapies that have been approved, and are in development for myasthenia gravis. Click here to see his presentation.







Sarah gave voice…

to the MG patient experience through the video interview series “Finding Strength One Day at a Time”. We met Garry, Alicia, Aimee, and Aleece! Click to see the short interviews.




SeAndrea created a video…

that celebrates our mission and anniversary. The rest of the 50 Years team – Sara, Claudia, Janet, Tom, Victor, Bob, Kelly, and Joan – came up with great anniversary ideas, too.



Dr. Rezania and Dr. Malik…

helped to educate us about new treatments and seronegative MG in articles they wrote for Conquer MG’s newsletter.. 





Joan was recognized…

with an “Above and Beyond” award for “always exceeding expectations set before her”. Bob and Tammy – whom Joan notes deserve awards themselves – did the presenting. 






Dr. Soliven…

supported our research funding through her participation in the MGNet consortium and maintains the connection between Conquer MG and its Medical Advisory Board. 





Julie, Tammy, and Erin teamed up…

to approve reimbursement for medical expenses for more than 20 MG patients in need.  Click here to find out how to apply for support..






Tom pitched in…

hosting the raffle (with wife Marri), and creating “50 years” posters. Since 2012, he has found new ways to support our mission every year.  






Kelly made it up north…

to Elmhurst from Springfield, Illinois, and together with Sara, Victor, and Iris, hosted the “MG Station” so non-MGers could get a taste of what it feels like to have this rare disease. 






Bob was our self-avowed “support group groupie”…

checking in on various groups to understand different group formats.






Conquer MG has a small staff and many volunteers. These caring, supportive individuals want to make life better for all who struggle with myasthenia gravis.