Posts Tagged: maria zepeda

7 Tips for Coping during the Holiday Season

By Maria Zepeda, NBC-HWC, and Julie Rowin, MD   The Holiday Season is upon us, and this means a wonderful time for some and a difficult time for many. We are living through times of uncertainty and ambiguity which can feel overwhelming. Here are some suggestions on how to better cope with the challenges we… Read more »

Most Popular: Exercise, Nutrition, MG Treatment, Vision

Exercise fitness and treatments with MG

Check out these resources for often-asked-about MG topics. *Our favorites are noted with an asterisk. Exercise and MG *MG Wellness: Myasthenia Gravis and Exercise, June 2020. “If your MG has stabilized, exercise can be part of your recovery,” notes Julie Rowin, MD. She and Julie Hossack, certified fitness instructor, explain how to gradually resume exercise… Read more »

Wellness Now: Own Your Health In a COVID-19 World

There’s plenty to worry about during the COVID pandemic. The virus, obviously. But also strains on finances, family relationships, education, and the social fiber of our communities. Who has time to worry about wellness? In May 2020, Conquer MG invited panelists Julie Rowin, MD (left), and Maria D. Zepeda, NBC-HwC (right), to discuss why self-care… Read more »