Posts Categorized: blog

Does Surgical Removal Of The Thymus Have Deleterious Consequences?

Henry J. Kaminski, MD, Linda L. Kusner, PhD, Gary R. Cutter, PhD, Rozen Le Panse, PhD, Cameron D. Wright, MD, Yaron Perry, MD, and Gil I. Wolfe, MD Neurology® 2024;102:e209482. doi:10.1212/WNL.0000000000209482 Abstract The role of immunosenescence, particularly the natural process of thymic involution during aging, is increasingly acknowledged as a factor contributing to the development… Read more »

Conquer MG celebrates 50 years serving the MG Community

Conquer MG celebrates 50 years

Conquer MG is proud to have served the MG community since 1972! Thanks, MG advocate SeAndrea Ferguson, for creating this video that reflects our joy at turning 50. This organization has hit many milestones in the past 50 years! YEAR MILESTONE 1972 The organization incorporates as the Greater Chicago Area Chapter, Myasthenia Gravis Foundation, Inc…. Read more »

Read study results on patient perceptions of disease burden and treatment of myasthenia gravis based on sentiment analysis of digital conversations

Scientific Reports shares results from a study that looks at disease burden. Public domain digital conversations about MG were analyzed to describe mindsets and sentiments about the disease, its burden, and its treatments among men and women with MG and, more specifically, those treated with steroids and those receiving IVIg.