Posts Categorized: blog

3 Research Grants Awarded for 2015-16

The Myasthenia Gravis Foundation of Illinois is proud to announce grant award winners for 2015-2016. John Yi, PhD, Duke University,  will receive $88,000 for his pilot study, “Profiling of ACHR-Specific B Cells in Myasthenia Gravis.” Henry J. Kaminski, MD, George Washington University, has been awarded $88,000 for his pilot study “Evaluation of IL-17A as a… Read more »

Rituximab and MG Study: Participants Needed

A Phase II Trial of Rituximab in MG is being conducted at multiple locations in the U.S. The study is being led by Dr. Richard J. Nowak at Yale University School of Medicine. It is a multi-center randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial. The study is coordinated by NeuroNEXT, the Network for Excellence in Neuroscience Clinical… Read more »

“But You Don’t Look Sick”

  Myasthenics often hear, “but you don’t look sick.” Here I am living with a chronic autoimmune disease myasthenia gravis, and most people don’t know.   I always thought that was pretty neat. When I was a young girl the letters “MG” meant a snappy little sports car. My roommate Jerry Mitchell owned an MG convertible…. Read more »