Posts Tagged: Conquer MG

Viking Challenge for MG – 2022

In-Person Walk – Sunday, June 19 Virtual Challenge – June 4 to June 18 LET’S CONQUER MYASTHENIA GRAVIS There’s a way for everyone to be included in this year’s Viking Challenge. Join us for the in-person Walk on Sunday, June 19 (Happy Father’s Day!). Or take the Virtual Challenge and do as many miles as… Read more »

Virtual Viking Challenge for MG

July 10 – July 25, 2021 Walk, Run, Swim or Bike to Help Conquer MG! In July 2021, Conquer MG is hosting the 9th Annual Virtual Viking Challenge to lift up those who struggle with this often disabling rare autoimmune neuromuscular disease. For 16 days, from July 10 to July 25, we invite you to… Read more »

Navigating the Disability Insurance Maze

Recap: Conquer MG Webinar – March 18, 2021 You’ve received a diagnosis of myasthenia gravis. Now, questions about work and disability benefits may be looming. Attorney Mark DeBofsky discussed the challenges that individuals who have MG encounter when applying for disability benefits. Mr. DeBofsky is a partner with DeBofsky Sherman Casciari Reynolds P.C., as well… Read more »