Posts Categorized: featured

Dr. J. Rowin: The Root Cause of Autoimmune Disease

 “Functional Medicine Approach to MG: Understanding and Treating the Root Cause of Disease” On May 1, 2016, 70 people were on hand to listen to Julie Rowin, MD, ABIHM, talk about the root causes of myasthenia gravis and other autoimmune diseases, at our Spring Patient Seminar in Elmhurst, Illinois. You can see a clip from… Read more »

Nutrition and Exercise Handouts – Fall 2014 Meeting

MGF of Illinois hosts two patient education meetings each year. The Fall 2014 meeting, titled “Practical Strategies for Living with MG,” addressed nutrition and exercise. Click to download the handouts from this meeting: Nutrition and Myasthenia Gravis MG and Physical Therapy Mediterranean Diet Sodium-Free-Flavoring-Tips Healthy Smoothies for MG Anti-Inflammatory food pyramid We gratefully acknowledge Palos… Read more »